Safety Recommendations

  • Password
  • Recommendations

To operate with Mobile Banking you need:

  • User ID
  • Identity Card Number
  • Password

Data Entry

When entering sensitive data, make sure no one can see what you are typing on your device’s screen.

User Lock

Please note that, as a security measure, if we detect repeated login attempts with incorrect passwords, we will proceed to block your user ID.

Secure Password

Remember that the password to operate through this channel is the same as the one used in Home Banking.

Please note the following when selecting a password:

  • Passwords should have 8 characters or more.
  • The access password you choose must not contain more than 3 consecutive equal characters, nor more than 3 consecutive ascending or descending numbers.
  • Select a password that is hard to guess but easy to remember. Avoid choosing passwords that can be associated with your personal data.
  • Differentiate your password. Do not use the same password for different Internet services.
  • Do not use password and user ID already chosen during the last year.
  • Do not store passwords on the PC or in emails. Memorize them and keep them secret. Do not write them down.
  • For additional security, you will be asked to periodically change your password.

Device Safety

Always use a robust mechanism to unlock your device. A complex pattern or your biometric data such as fingerprint and iris recognition are considered secure.

Activate the automatic locking of the device when it is stored or when it reaches a reasonable time without use.

Encrypt the device and always store it in safe places.

Never disclose personal information by text message or personal messaging applications.


Connect to Banco de Valores S.A. using always reliable networks. Public and/or open networks could be monitored by malicious users in order to intercept data traffic.

Networks provided by telephone operators (3G and 4G) are considered secure.

Turn off unused functions such as WiFi and Bluetooth.


Be sure to keep your operating system and installed applications up to date.

Under no circumstances should you release the operating system from your devices. When you “Jailbreak” (iOS) or activate the “Root” mode (Android), the security applied by the manufacturer is removed, leaving you exposed to attacks from third parties.

Avoid installing applications and games from unknown pages. Use only the official repositories of your platform and always check that the applications to be installed are the original ones.

Check the permissions requested at the time of installation to verify if they are consistent with the expected usability.

Consider installing anti-virus software on the devices you use to access Mobile Banking.